iMoor System
For any specific integrated berthing and mooring requirement Mampaey Offshore Industries offers the most complete suite of products and services.
Products of Mampaey Offshore Industries can be integrated with existing jetty management systems. A great benefit is the use of one uniform iMoor interface. The combined solution provides a safe, sound and solid jetty management.

Ultimate control, monitoring and safety
The iMoor system was an ‘in-house’ development by Mampaey Offshore Industries. iMoor is a combination of multiple product lines. iMoor consists of the following modules:
iMoor Benefits
• Enlarges control, monitoring, and safety
• Enables stand-alone functionality, local data recording
• Monitors important information during shipping discharge & loading
• Increases durability and overall jetty economy
• Introduces clear day-, night- and bad weather visibility, flexible data entry, multifunctional display
• Includes modular expandability, turnkey installation, low maintenance, a small amount of spare parts
• Reduces operational costs, jetty and fender damage, ship’s and installation’s downtime.

Benefits of an iMoor Central Monitoring System (CMS)
We can visualize typical iMoor applications like Mooring Load Monitoring, remote hook release & hook status and berthing approach data. We also provide meteorological & oceanographic info as well as AIS or CCTV images. We can distribute the images locally or globally and can be monitored via LAN, WLAN, UHF or the internet.
The iMoor system processes the relevant information from the various sensors through PLC’s and further transmits to and visualizes it by the Jetty Computer. This form of local processing ensures the stand alone functionality of the main modules.
Benefits of iMoor Software
The iMoor Software Package is SCADA based. We can easily customize this package to your requirements and interface it to other systems. Information can be distributed via the internet and shared globally with for example the ship’s crew.
The benefits of iMoor Portable
You can monitor the iMoor modules in the control room. You can also monitor them on portable devices such as hand-held pagers, PDA’s and Carry onboard computer laptops. All portable modules are integrated into the iMoor network.

Our special iMoor Pagers
Personnel receives up to date information about the berthing and mooring process with the wireless handheld pager.
Our extra Carry Onboard Computer
This information is also available in the main computer in the control room. The carry onboard computer is available with IWLAN and UHF communication with the main computer system in the control room. The UHF Range is beyond 1,000 meters and the IWLAN Range is beyond 300 meters.